Andreas Sahle

JS Kongress 2019 - Revolution of Architectures

Takeaways from a great Javascript and Frontend conference in Munich

This is one of the conferences that I try to attend every year because it is organized by the local community and attracts also great many international developers and speakers.

I am really happy that we are getting more and more interesting conferences here -> I am looking at you @btconf and JSCraftCamp ... only to mention the first two that popped in my mind.

But back to JSKongress 2019:

There were many good talks and presentations and an exceptionally interesting deep track (open space / bof) with e.g. the maintainers of #webpack and #rollup.

I could spend the whole day talking about the many interesting topics, but I wanted to pick out the two that did not let me stop thinking and led to the beginnings of my current endeavour of a Github project for a Microfrontend Architecture Solution, but more about that later..

Talk 01: Independent deployment of the frontend with Docker and Kubernetes

by @monicalent

She talked about the benefits and complications of independently maintaining and deploying parts of a frontend and showcased a solution that integrated with Docker and Kubernetes. This is a nice way of solving the CI and DevOps part of the whole Microfrontend idea.

Read more here:

Talk 02: Angular, React, Vue and Co. – peacefully united thanks to Web Components and Micro Apps

by @ManfredSteyer

He talked about decomposing a big solution into small self-contained parts that can be maintained by different teams and that way microservices in the backend have their siblings in the frontend with micro apps...

Read more here:

Hopefully the slides and video recording of the conference are soon online, so you can also participate after the fact

Interesting - I want to know more.....

One of the resources that describes the concept very well is the site and I compiled a list of youtube videos of different speakers that talk about their experiences in actually implementing such a solution and what challenges and pitfalls they faced:

As I mentioned in the beginning, I started developing a Proof Of Concept and a library that can be used to orchestrate a microfrontend solution with a little help of GraphQL as the common language to let the parts in the loosely coupled frontend and backend communicate and also share state if needed.

Disclaimer: it is in the very early stages and under heavy development, but I wanted to give other people the chance to discuss and contribute early on. Look for yourself:

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